“Juggaknots is an American hip hop group from New York consisting of siblings Breeze Brewin' (Paul Smith), Queen Herawin (Peridot Smith), and Buddy Slim (Kevin Smith). The group has collaborated with Mr. Len, Sadat X, and Prince Paul.”
“Juggaknots is an American hip hop group from New York consisting of siblings Breeze Brewin' (Paul Smith), Queen Herawin (Peridot Smith), and Buddy Slim (Kevin Smith). The group has collaborated with Mr. Len, Sadat X, and Prince Paul.”
“Juggaknots is an American hip hop group from New York consisting of siblings Breeze Brewin' (Paul Smith), Queen Herawin (Peridot Smith), and Buddy Slim (Kevin Smith). The group has collaborated with Mr. Len, Sadat X, and Prince Paul.”
“Abbe Joanna May (born 19 July 1987) is an Australian singer-songwriter, musician and human rights campaigner. From 2002 she pursued her music career in Perth-based groups, The Fuzz, Abbe May and the Rockin' Pneumonia, and The Devil & Abbe May. In 2010 she began to perform as Abbe May and released he”